Monday, 26 September 2016

Decoding the Future of Mobile App Development and their Saturation:

The era of PCs is slowly coming to an end. While portable laptops have made way for tablets, the market is now dominated by Smartphones. Given the cost-effective devices that have penetrated the market in the past few years, Smartphone accessibility has improved, thus resulting in rapid mobile app development. Today, we see elaborate marketing campaigns for app releases and launch. All this has been made possible due to the extensive market that has embraced the idea of iOS and Android apps. A single visit to the Google Play Store or Apple’s App store is enough to realize the countless options that are available within the market. However, the question that is now being pondered is that how long is it here to last?

Well, with the launch of Airpod and an iPhone without a 3.5mm jack, Apple dropped, a very small one thought, but a hint of eliminating the smartphone device in the next 10 years. As it has been proven time and again, historically, what Apple does becomes the trend. Therefore, we are looking at a future where Smartphones would become as obsolete as the desktop PCs today. Even with a significant decline in the market, the app industry could be hit. However, would the mobile app development come to an end? Not likely, here’s why.

From desktop PCs, we ventured into laptops, and from laptops into Smartphones and tablets. Technically, the objective of the technology remained the same but with a changed interface. In terms of the future, we are looking at a possibility of wireless headphones and Smartwatch technology that would inculcate the 3D Hologram mechanism, something only witnessed in movies till now.
Does this mean that our mobile app development sector is doomed? No, but it would be required to adapt to the new technology pretty fast. As an app developer, you don’t want your fate to be like that of Blackberry. When the app development phase began, Blackberry was at parallels with iOS and Android. However, today, it remains nowhere to be seen for its weak adaptation to customer needs and requirements.

For the mobile app development phase, the biggest challenge would be to adapt to the new technologies that are coming in. The saturation point is out of question, given how science is evolving, but the interface is not going to restrict itself to Smartphones. For the ones who are currently pursuing mobile app development, the future does hold exciting prospects for you, but it is imperative that you focus on the future and not merely on the present.

For now, the mobile app development segment seems to be doing quite well. In the next 5 years, we are looking at an estimate of close to $20 bn dollars worth of business online. Therefore, there as a mobile app developer, there is still quite a lot of time for you to get used to the market, but like everything, the mobile app development is also going to witness as upheaval at the right time for the right reasons.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

What Should I know before Developing a Mobile App?

Developing a Mobile App

Mobile Application Development is critical to the world of IT in the contemporary era. As businesses move online, with improved Smartphone accessibility through cost-effective solutions, and enhanced internet connectivity, businesses are now eager to cater to the mobile platforms they earlier thought they could ignore. With the onset of Mobile Application Development in various domains, consumers and service providers are now looking to offer the best interface, design, and operations in their apps.

For the ones who are just starting out with the process of Mobile App Development, there are quite a few questions that need to be answered. The basic principle is to understand your business well as the mobile app is going to directly represent your business credentials. Often, here is where most mobile app developer teams go wrong. They are not able to understand their business right, and hence, end up making a mess of the operations, rendering their app useless. Therefore, to avoid this mistake, it is imperative to understand your business well so that relevant operations can be inserted within the application.

There are many Mobile App Development Companies in India, but only few get to the core of their client’s business, thus creating an app that caters to the business and consumers simultaneously. Therefore, when you are looking for a Mobile App Developer, always look for a team that can understand your requirements well. This is integral to the development process as the lack of clarity about the app can damage the prospects of your business. Seeking a Mobile App developer should be about opting for the team with a rich experience in this domain, and the ones who are ready to work in a flexible framework, thus being open to integrate all your demands.

The third aspect in the process of Mobile App development is design. Taking a cue from Uber, many developers went for a design that worked on the ‘single tap’ formula. However, that is not always the case. Often, your app would require its users traversing through multiple options. In this case, it becomes important to have the app design and interface working well. You don’t want your users to experience a lag while they are traversing through the application, especially there are transactions being carried out through the mobile application.

What can a good interface do to your mobile app? Well, for a start it adds to user retention. No user wishes to use an app that is difficult to engage with. An experienced mobile app developer understands that user engagement can at the initial stage can only be achieved through an enhanced interface. Without an interface that appeals to the user, the app is destined to crash out of business. This is what happened with the ‘Taxi For Sure’ cab service, which, not being able to get its interface together, eventually bowed out of business, leaving Uber and other smaller variants to capture its market.

Operations is the final aspect where your mobile app developer must do well. As we discussed above, users do not wish to have an app that has delays or unforeseen lags, as it ruins their experience all together. As a provider, you can design your application in a manner that doesn’t elongate the operations, and gets the job done with minimum user hassle. Ease of operations is critical to Mobile App development as it ensures that your user doesn’t have to struggle with a lot while using the application.

Mobile App development, if done the right away, isn’t as tricky as some might term it to be. Yes, the results only come with proper planning and deliberation, and therefore, it is necessary not to randomize the process of app development. Hiring a skilled Mobile App developers with a few tricks up his sleeves can help the cause of your business. For the ones who are confused about how to start with the development of their mobile app, the answer lies in your business. Understand it, decipher it, and then develop it. As long as you get these aspects right, your app should live up to the expectations of your users.