Thursday, 26 May 2016

The role of mobile app for e-Commerce

mobile app for e-Commerce

According to Wikipedia, “eCommerce, is the trading or facilitation of trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet.”

 So, it is basically the exchange of services or products, with the help of the Internet. E-commerce involves online shopping, B2B sales, B2C sales, C2C sales, B2B E-data interchange, marketing and provision or participation in various Online markets.

 E-commerce has caught on because it is effective and quick. With the rise of technology, the way of doing things is changing. E-commerce helps reduce the effort and time required for a transaction. E-commerce has disrupted the traditional ways of doing things, providing new setups for exchange.

 Although, e-commerce is to see a lot of change itself, it has opened up a whole new range of opportunities for startups and pre-established businesses, by giving them a platform to connect to the biggest user base; the online community. Security aspect is also taken into consideration for customer-ease,which makes E-commerce an ideal option.
I made a point in a previous article that, there is a big possibility that you’re reading this in your smart-phone. That is to say that smart phones have become ubiquitous today. Most people use smartphones to access the Internet, as compared to laptops or tablets. Smartphone apps help a common man in doing stuff like ordering up and booking cab, with minimal effort.This is pretty obvious to those who use e-commerce apps frequently, that transaction from mobile phones are more comfortable as compared to going on a website. It is faster, and the experience is great. Businesses come out with applications to showcase their services and products for their audience. People have so many choices, and businesses compete for their loyalty, by improving their services. A mobile application lets users connect to an online marketplace or some other online service. If you have an online platform for your services, a mobile application will increase the possibility of it getting a hit as most of the online crowd is on their smartphones. But first you should make sure that you have something of real value to offer. Know your customer base. If you think that a mobile application can bring real value to their transaction, get an app for your business. An application is the link between you and the smartphone loving online crowd, for whom E-commerce makes perfect sense. 

 Also, B2C, B2B and C2C transactions are much comfortably done with an app. An application is also more secure and private than having a web page. An application makes perfect sense in E-commerce context. As technology evolves and invades our lives, there’s no going back.

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